Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Tops, Bests, and Notables


1. No Country For Old Men

2. There Will Be Blood

3. Michael Clayton

4. Grindhouse (Planet Terror/Death Proof)

5. Pan's Labyrinth

6. Zodiac

7. Superbad

8. Transformers

9. 300

10. The Curse of The Golden Flower

Especially Noted:
No End In Sight (documentary)


1. "In Rainbows" by Radiohead

2. "Kala" by M.I.A.

3. "Out Of The Woods" by Tracey Thorn

"Graduation" by Kanye West

5. "One Man Spaceship" by Jeff Mills

"I'll Sleep When You're Dead" by El-P

7. "Our Love To Admire" by Interpol

"Watchers From The Black Universe" by Gosub

9. "White Music For Black People" by Apollo Heights

10. "The Inevitable Rise And Liberation Of Niggy Tardust" by Saul Williams

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):
-- "23" by Blonde Redhead
-- "Pegaso" by Professor Genius
-- "Old Joy New Joy" by Salt & Samovar
-- "Out Of The Woods" by Tracey Thorn
-- "Elaste Vol. 1 - Slow Motion Disco" - Various Artists (compiled by DJ Mooner)
-- "The Big Doe Rehab" by Ghostface Killah
-- "What's The Time Mr. Wolf" by The Noisettes
-- "Map Of Africa" by Map Of Africa
-- "Cross" by Justice
-- "Black Hollywood" by Camp Lo
-- "Holy Fuck" by Holy Fuck
-- "Finding Forever" by Common
-- "Volta" by Bjork
-- "Mirrored" by Battles

Notable Singles:
1. "D.A.N.C.E." by Justice
2. "The Heinrich Maneuver" by Interpol
3. "Ayo Technology" by 50 Cent
4. "Sensual Seduction" by Snoop Dogg
5. "82 Afros" by Camp Lo (featuring Ski)

Best Album Cover Art:
"D.A.N.C.E." by Justice

Worst Album Cover Art:
"Finding Forever" by Common

Notable Videos:
• "D.A.N.C.E." by Justice
• "Sensual Seduction" by Snoop Dogg

Shameless Self-Promotion:
"Magma - EP"

Top 11 Scandals of 2007 (According to AOL News)
See here.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Smartbomb Your Holiday: A Compilation

Smartbomb Your Holiday is a compilation created by me for Smartbomb Creative Studio as an expression of gratitude to all of our clients, collaborators and cohorts... Thank you!

Here's the tracklisting with a few comments on each.

1. "Laugh Track" by Gosub
--- I first heard this track on a random music blog... liked it so much i bought the album... It represents all the positive happenings of the whole year for me.

2. "Last Chance On The Stairway" by Duran Duran
--- Duran Duran played this obscure song from the "Rio" album live as part of their latest tour, The Red Carpet Massacre. It was a part of the "Electro" Set - amazing!

3. "Flashing Lights" by Kanye West (featuring Dwele)
--- My favorite track from one of my favorite albums of the year.

4. "I Am The Black Gold Of The Sun" by Minnie Riperton
--- One of the "throw-back" songs on the compilation and one of my favorite songs of all time...

5. "She's Magma" by Rontronik
--- Taken from my first ever solo release...

6. "Earth Orbit One: Little Fluffy Clouds" by The Orb
--- Another of the "oldie-but-goodies" chosen for this compilation.

7. "15 Step" by Radiohead
--- A song that comes from an album represents the changing times in the music industry and stands as a flag-ship of sorts, of what is to come.

8. "Enrico" by Isolee
--- Dance...

9. "Banstyle/Sappys Curry" by Underworld
--- This is music for creative-types, especially since the group was a spin-off of the design team, Tomato.

10. "Scratch Your Name" by The Noisettes
--- The chorus goes "Scratch your name into the fabric of this world before you go.." 'Nuff said.

11. "Gatekeeper" by Feist
--- This blending of genres is out of sight, here...

12. "It's Your Touch (Ashley Beadle's Heavy Disco Edit)" by Black Ghosts
--- Probably one of the best dance tracks out right now... Love-filled, fun , yet, NOT cheese-ball.

13. "Stop Me" by Mark Ronson (featuring Daniel Merriweather)
--- One of my favorite Smiths songs covered fantastically...

14. "Rolling Down The Hills" by Glass Candy
--- Lay back. Chill...

15. "The Answer Is Yes (12 inch Version)" by Justus Kohncke
--- The title of the song says it all...

Get the Smartbomb Your Holiday compilation here
[NOTE: the download is a .zip file containing the tracks which are .m4a (aac) format music files - compatible with iTunes.]

Hope you like it and thanks again to everyone who made 2007 a year to remember.
— Sincerely, Smartbomb Creative Studio team & Rontronik

Monday, December 17, 2007

Album Cover of the Month: A Charlie Brown Christmas (OST) by Vince Guraldi Trio

This is (or should be) a classic for all children and the "child at heart." A great soundtrack for the holidays, no matter what age the listener. My favorite thing about this cover is the classic Charles Shulz "Peanuts" characters dancing around the christmas tree... I only wish it was the little "sad" Christmas tree with ornament that Charlie buys...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Cloverfield is coming 01-18-08

It's a J.J. Abrams production which usually means it will be worth the price of admission... and judging from the two trailers online it looks to deliver!. It's already on my list of must-see movies next year.

The following are 3 links to related sites:

Cloverfield - 1-18-08
Slusho! - You Can't Drink Just Six.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Album Cover of the Month: Seal

Ive always had respect for Seal... He seems to generate an alternate urban contemporary sound that crosses cultural boundaries. His album artwork always seems to represent what the music will sound/feel like. Bravo to Seal and the art directors/designers who came up with this striking image.

Review: Duran Duran's Red Carpet Massacre (Live at Roseland Ballroom NYC 11/13)

3.5 of 5 stars

• biggest issue with the show was the venue....because of the stagehands strike, the show had to be moved from ethel barrymore theatre to roseland :( ..... they did well but the set-up was really strange and seemed a bit sparse as well as too spread out and no seating...

• the souvenirs were pretty bad... :(

• no special edition cd? its the release date for christsake....

• ACT ONE: Red Carpet Massacre - The Album
act one was a bit long and rather mediocre (their were some stand-out selections but overall, a little annoying --like watching an opening act that played for a little too long instead making it short and concise)

-- the valley
-- red carpet massacre
-- nite-runner
-- falling down
-- box full o honey
-- skin divers
-- tempted
-- tricked out
-- zoom in
-- she's too much
-- dirty great monster
-- last man standing

• ACT TWO: Electro Set:
act two was refreshing and very well done (basically one big remix / all songs meshed together over electronic beats performed live in kraftwerkian effect - best performance of the night happened here)

-- showroom dummies
-- last chance on the stairway *
-- all she wants is
-- warm leatherette
-- i don't want your love
-- skin trade

• ACT THREE: Essential Duran Duran
act three was fantastic except for the song "sunrise" -- it is by no means "essential" - just a bad song to me - wished they would have replaced it with something else / anything else ... the encore was very cool and extended remix along with remix vocals as well as end of the play recognition of the group/players -- very nice

-- rio
-- notorious
-- the reflex
-- hungry like the wolf
-- ordinary world
-- do you believe in shame
-- planet earth
-- a view to a kill **
-- the sunrise

-- girls on film (encore)

* favorite song of the evening
** second favorite song of the evening

Monday, November 05, 2007

DWB = Driving While Black

Two Sundays ago, i was pulled over in downtown Flint, MI for driving 45mph in a 25mph zone. First off, i was going 25 to 30mph tops. I spotted the police car following me for an extended period of time (at least 6 blocks and 3 stop lights before "flashing-lights"). No one in their right mind would see a police officer and begin to speed...

Anyway the following is my account of the incident:
-- Police cruiser/suv follows me from corner of Dort Highway and Court Street

-- Police cruiser/suv is directly behind me from Dort Highway to point of “stop”

-- Officer pulls me over just past Crapo and claims that i was speeding (45mph in a 25mph)

-- I accept that i was speeding BUT never past 30mph (especially since he was right behind me all the way until point of stop)

-- Officer ask for my driver's license and registration.

-- I give him the proper info (license and rental car registration).

-- Officer asks for registration again.

-- I explain to him that the car is a rental and the rental registration is the registration.

-- Officer asks if i had been drinking

-- I say “Yes. One beer at dinner which was 2 hours previous.”

-- Officer asks various questions about the beer I had (ie: what kind of beer, what size of beer, where i had the beer) on top of asking where i was going and what i was doing in town among other questions.

-- I answer all questions

-- Officer asks me if i have any weapons/illicit drugs in car or on my person.

-- I say “No.”

-- Officer has me get out of car and searches/fricks me.

-- Officer asks me if i was using any illicit drugs.

-- I say “No.”

-- Officer has me go thru sobriety test and a breathalizer.

-- I pass all test/breathalizer.

-- Officer returns my drivers license and says he’s going to let me go with a warning.

-- I say “Thank you... and may i have your badge number?” (and also ask for my rental registration because he did not give it back).

-- He takes my license back returns to the police cruiser.. Then after a 20 minute wait, he returns and gives me a ticket for speeding (40mph in 25mph).

-- I protest and say/ask “ so basically you are giving me a ticket for asking for your badge number?”

-- Officer says “Yes”

-- I ask “Why cant you give me a ticket for the actual speed i was going?”

-- He then explains that my drivers license has to be taken/impounded (out-of-state license) and i will have to pay a bond to get it back

-- I ask how much is the bond.

-- Officer says $120-$150 approximate

-- I say "Can I pay it now" because i will not be able to take a flight (the next day) due to the fact that i now have no valid picture ID...

-- After another bit of a wait while he goes back to his cruiser, the officer returns and tells me i can follow him down to the police station and take care of it there.

-- After asking him if i would get another ticket for driving without a license, I follow him to the police station to pay the bond ($120 cash / equivalent to the ticket)

the whole debacle took about 1.5 hours...

The good news out of all of this is i did get my license and my money back but the money went to lawyer fees to get the speeding points on my license stricken from record... awaiting final notice on that ---- wow.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Rontronik: Magma EP Tracks Get Airplay!

Things are beginning to move forward with my first release (Magma EP)! 2 tracks were played on Digital Nimbus (KUCI 88.9 FM) on Friday night/Saturday morning show called "Electronic Audio Freakquencies." Keep an ear out and see below for details.

Digital Nimbus (Midnight to 3am PST)
Digital Nimbus Playlists

10/20/07 :: Digital::Nimbus [Show 257]
Electronic Audio Freakquencies

# Bitcrush :: Nimbus Effect [D::N] M/Cadoo
# Exillon :: Horn of Jericho [The Keening Dithers] Ad Noiseam

# Rontronik :: M-I-A (Motion-Inertia-Axis) [Magma EP] Töshöklabs
# Signal Type :: Future Funked [EP, comp.] Cultivated Electronics
# Jean-Paul Bondy :: L.A. Is Burning [The Path of Most Resistors] Compost
# Plaid :: Faster (L8 Mix) [Faster sampler] Warp/
# Gasp :: Green Scare Dub [If Only the Cold Morning...] Buried In Time
# Phoenecia :: Odd Job [Brownout] Schematic Music Co.
# Karsten Pflum :: Notarget [Idhax] Rump
# Autechre :: Left Blank [EP7] Warp
# Quinoline Yellow :: Liddingstock [Dol-Goy-Assist] Skam
# Velapene Screen :: Plastic Hamburger Hat [Crash Redevelopment, comp.] Co.Ad Audio
# Bauri :: Fleck Yck [Cottage Industries, comp.] Neo Ouija
# Legiac :: Dide Skin [Mings Feaner] Sending Orbs
# Ryan Rapsys :: Novus-Arcadia [The-Novus-Arcadia] Erratik Productions
# Lazyfish + Mewark :: Pomah C Kamhem [Untitled] K20/Peace Tech.
# Deru :: Spread Your Arms [Trying to Remember] Merck
# Secede :: Vega Libre [Vega Libre] Sending Orbs
# Adapter :: Massive (Dirty Version) [Table of Elements, comp.] M-Tronic
# Lith :: Norma [Electr-Ohm Comp. 1] Electr-Ohm
# Architect :: A Caine In the Brain [Lower Lip Interface] Hymen
# Download :: Zass Pie [FiXeR] Sub-Conscious Communication
# Displacer :: Cage Fighter's Lullaby [Cage Fighter's Lullaby] M-Tronic
# Defender :: Media Test [Wherever You Are, You're Home]

# Rontronik :: She's Magma [Magma EP] Töshöklabs
# Richard Devine :: Patelle [Lipswitch] Warp/Schematic Music Co.
# Meat Beat Manifesto :: Repulsion [Armed Audio Warfare] WaxTrax!
# Meat Beat Manifesto :: God O.D. (Part 2) [Storm The Studio] WaxTrax!
# Meat Beat Manifesto :: DV8 [Dog Star Man] PIAS
# Ben Frost :: Theory of Machines [Theory of Machines] Bedroom Community

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Long Halloween....

Album Cover of the Month: Duran Duran

Yet another complete dissapointment in the album cover art world ...C'mon DD... C'MON!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Album Cover of the Month: Finding Forever

OK, this has to be one of the worst covers i've ever seen. It's such a shame because it's one of the best hip-hop albums of 2007. I remember the shock i felt when i saw it for the first time... I thought "Is that finished?!... It can't be...?" I mean c'mon man!... I can't tell whether he's supposed to be wearing a hoodie or is that hair? ...i mean WTF?

Further, i wanna know who said "Yes! this is hot; let's run with it!" That person needs to be smacked...

Oh well.... One day it will all make sense, indeed.


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Album Cover of the Month: Bitches Brew

Miles Davis is easily one of the most prolific and innovative artists of all time. One of my favorite albums in his long stint of recordings is "Bitches Brew" not only for the incredibly forward jazz fusion but for the album art as well. It's a masterpiece aurally and visually.

created by Mati Klarwein in 1970, the whereabouts of the original of this painting are unknown.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Magma EP Promotional Clips

Album Cover of the Month

NEW ORDER: Power, Corruption and Lies
It's July... nuff said.

Peter Saville was the creator of this design that influenced a great many designers (including me)...

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday, June 18, 2007

Album Cover of The Month (12" Version)

NEW ORDER: Blue Monday (12" single)
Factory Records was (and still is) one of the most noted labels when it comes to 80's Alternative Dance Music. Their roster consisted of Joy Division, Happy Mondays and of course New Order to name a few...

Blue Monday was (and still is) their biggest release to date. Not only was it a big hit musically but the cover art was a big hit as well, mimicking the floppy-disk (at the time) ... A great choice for a group with new direction. Peter Saville was the creator of this design that influenced a great many designers (including me)...

The Secret Government

a Bill Moyers documentary from the 70's that is quite relevant today... see it here.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Face of Evil...

the first image of Heath Ledger as The Joker from the "Batman Begins" sequel "The Dark Knight"

Friday, May 11, 2007

Highwire Setlist

highwire...may 10th 2007
gunseller and rontronik

grand national: talk amongst yourselves (fug mix)
primal scream: loaded (farley mix)
st. etienne: nothing can stop us
the cure: lovecats
the knife: marble house (emperor machine mix)
bjork: isobel (portishead mix)
amy winehouse: you know i'm no good
jazzanova: soon (smoovah mix)
grace jones; walking in the rain
junior boys: double heart
the rapture: 1st gear
matthew dear: shy
pet shop boys: west end girls
dominatrix: dominatrix sleeps tonight
lcd soundsystem: someone great
depeche mode: policy of truth (beat box mix)
thompson twins: in the name of love
kelly polar: here in the night
tracy thorn: all true (escort mix)
mark ronson: stop me (mix)
chaz jankell: pleased to meet you (mix)
japan: adolescent sex
duran duran: my own way
goldfrapp: twist (jaques lu cont mix)
twilight 22: electric kingdom
ectomorph: skin
spank rock: lyndsay lohan
channel one: technicolor
kraftwerk: tour de france
in flagranti: futile attempt
newcleus: computer age
debbie deb: when i hear music
charlie: spacer woman
artefact: mae
client: in it for the money (grand national mix)
bep: like that
nitro delux: let's get brutal
prince: 17 days
sheila e.: oliver's house
prince: soft and wet
the time: ice cream castles
justice: phantom
james ingram: ya mo be there
bjork: innocence
lil mama: lipgloss
j live: satisfied
jimmy bo horne: let me be your lover
clarence "frogman" henry: ain't got a home (nono kitchen mix)
basement jaxx: hot and cold
prince vs. daft punk: kiss
smd: sleep deprivation
aquanaughts: crackzilla
black devil disco club: coach me
escort: a bright new life
in flagranti: intergalactic bubblegum
justus khohnke: hot love
bim mack: personal move
gary glitter: rock n roll
happy mondays: 24 hour party people
charlatans: the only one i know
primal scream: rocks
jenny wilson: let my shoes guide me
peter bjorn and john: young folks
u.r.: base camp alpha
two lone swordsmen: showbiz shotguns
mia: bird flu (mix)
mu: jealous kids
black dog: virtual
go! team: ladyflash (smd mix)
fanny pack: sugar daddy
slash dash: white horse
prince: erotic city
xymox: stranger
black deveil disco club: oh left foot
martha and the muffins: danseparc
flock of seagulls: modern love is automatic
the rakes: we danced together (sebastian mix)
depeche mode: dead of night (electronicat remix)
the cars: moving in stereo
tv on the radio: staring at the sun (diplo mix)
broadcast: pendulum
grand national: your rules obey
!!!: shit shiese maird
white rose movement: alsatian (phones mix)
NIN: capital g
suede: my dark star
neon judgement: stood in between
orange can: fortified
the police: secret journey
orange can: fires
rontronik: she's magma
matthew dear: fleece on brain
fad gadget: back to nature
all of this & nothing: the psychedelic furs
thomspon twins: if you were here

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Album Cover of The Month

DMX: Flesh of My Flesh Blood of My Blood
I've never been a big fan of DMX. In fact, i've only really liked maybe two of his recordings. However, he has one of the best album covers in rap music history. I say this because of the stark graphic quality... Does the hip-hop/rap genre need any more violence-related visuals? No. But the reason why i like this is because there's no violence presented on this cover yet it evokes visions of what could have possibly been a violent act...

Also, below is album cover i think was the designer's inspiration for the DMX cover. The Dwarves "Blood, Guts and Pussy" (see below). What feelings/moods do you think that cover evokes?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

New EP for Toshoklabs Coming Soon

Preliminary cover art by Frank Zuber

I'm proud to announce my first solo release, "Magma - EP," on Toshoklabs. This will be the label's first new release in 6 years.

Tracklisting (subject to change):
1. She's Magma
2. M-I-A (Motion-Inertia-Axis)
3. Retina Flash
4. Sludge
5. Magma (Lava Lake)

Catalogue# TL 006CD
Release date: (To Be Announced)

Plus "She's Magma" Remixes by:
NKH (Toshoklabs co-label head)
Mark Feggins (Futurecurrent)

stay tuned for updates...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Gawker: Glaring Omissions: Trace Magazine

Glaring Omissions: Maybe We Should Care About 'Trace' Magazine, But Then Again, Maybe Not

"Do you guys care about TRACE magazine? It's been around for 10 years, started in the UK with Graham as the art director. (He wen t to the Face and now at Giant) They have a book out now 10 years of TRACE. They have a tv station in Africa and Europe and an ad agency TRUE in LA that does all the NIssan ads. Anyway, TRACE and Claude Grunitzky are notorious for not paying photographers, meanwhile he lives in a 1.8 million dollar place and is always traveling to Rio. So.. at the beginning of January the entire staff walked out after not being paid. They came back for a while after receiving their checks on the 15th of the month. Then in February they lost the office space in Soho so the entire staff has been working from home. In March half the staff quit. The publisher, executive editor, art director and the ad director quit. Do you guys care about Trace magazine?

See it at

Monday, April 23, 2007

HIGHWIRE: Set List 04.19.07

1. still ill by the smiths
2. son of a preacher man by dusty springfield
3. a little bit more (luke vibert mix) by jamie lidell
4. she's always in my hair by prince
5. crimson and clover by joan jett and the blackhearts
6. glorious by sa-ra
7. knives out by waajeed (feat. monica blaire)
8. smile (mark ronson dc remix feat. wale) by lilly allen
9. i feel you (renegade soundwave afghan surgery mix) by depeche mode
10. you know im no good by amy winehouse
11. you take my breath away by the knife
12. come alive (alan wilder mix) by nitzer ebb
13. take me out (morgan geist reversion) by franz ferdinand
14. supersonic by oasis
15. hours by tv on the radio
16. precious (dominatrix pre-mix) by depeche mode
17. futuresex/lovesound by justin timberlake
18. i touch roses (long stemmed version) by book of love
19. no static by jimmy edgar
20. voices inside my head by the police
21. someone great by lcd soundsystem
22. cheer it on (trey told em remix) by tokyo police club
23. like that by black eyed peas (feat. cee-lo, john legend, talib kweli and q-tip)
24. over and over (maurice fulton dub) by hot chip
25. 17 days by prince
26. here in the night by kelley polor
27. stand back by stevie nicks
28. international dateline (simian mobile disco mix) by ladytron
29. into the groove by madonna
30. heartbeats (rex the dog remix) by the knife
31. comfortably numb (tiga remix) by scissor sisters
32. 19 by paul hardcastle
33. get innocuous by lcd soundsystem
34. stop me by mark ronson
35. under pressure by bavid bowie and queen
36. backyard betty by spank rock
37. emotional rescue by the rolling stones
38. automatic by the pointer sisters
39. ambience with teeth by black dog
40. blow his head off by busta rhymes (feat. ghostface)
41. the bottom line by big audio dynamite
42. everything counts (bomb the bass remix) by depeche mode
43. centipede by rebbie jackson
44. release yourself by aleem
45. pure energy (club mix) by information society
46. looking for the perfect beat by afrika bambaataa
47. bizarre love triangle by new order
48. situation by yazoo
49. stangelove (blind mix) by depeche mode
50. heart of hearts by !!!
51. love me or hate me (remix0 by lady sovereign (feat. missy elliot)
52. a day in the life by black riot
53. voodoo ray americas by a guy called gerald
54. magick (simian mobile disco remix) by the klaxons
55. enjoy the silence (richard x remix) by depeche mode
56. the prayer (phones m,etal jackin' mix) by bloc party
57. (just like we) breakdown by hot chip
58. hearts and minds by nitzer ebb
59. if youleave ny orchestral maneuvers in the dark
60. this is how it feel by inspiral carpets
61. destination unknown by missing persons
62. the look of love by abc
63. ride like the wind by christopher cross
64. the phantom by renegade soundwave
65. pacific 202 by 808 state
66. cosmic cars (12 inch version) by cybotron
67. sugar walls(extended dance mix) by sheena easton
68. prepare to energize by torch song
69. wave jumper by drexciya
70. everythings gone green by new order
71. stranger by xymox
72. i feel love by donna summer
73. bones (tiga remix) by the killers
74. woo! alright - yeah...uh huh (simian mobile disco mix) by the rapture
75. silent shout (williams acidic remix) by the knife
76. virtual by black dog
77. i was made for loving you by kiss
78. numbers by kraftwerk
79. electric barberella by duran duran
80. she blinded me with science (long mix) by thomas dolby
81. twist (jacque lu cont remix) by goldfrapp
82. my legendary girlfriend by pulp
83. electronic warfare by underground resistance
84. teaching children how to swear by in flagranti
85. this place hotel by the jacksons
86. bambi by prince
87. rock number one by cassius
88. run the numbers by el-p (feat. aesop rock)
89.miguel sanchez by ghostface (feat. trife da god and sun god)
90. the message by cymande
91. love of my life by eykah badu (feat. common)
92. cowyn by mr. velcro fastner
93. go! (club mix) by tones on tail
94. the seeker by the who
95. get em high by kanye west (feat. talib kweli and common)
96. i am the black gold of the sun by minni riperton
97. morning child by 4hero
98. ship of fools by world party
99. cry by godley and creme
100. pop life (fresh dance mix) by prince
101. sign 'o' the times by prince
102. fotzepolitic by cocteau twins
103. sunday by david bowie
l04. love song for a vampire by annie lennox
105. sven-g-englar by sigur ros
106. oceania (remix) by bjork (feat. kelis)
107. finley's rainbow by a guy called gerald
108. basefree by boards of canada
109. fight sounds by circlesquare

it was great fun ... some woman loved the mix so much she decided to dance around holding her skirt above her waist... omg!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Alesis Studio Monitors (1 Pair) For Sale

they are in great condition
look a little shabby (due to storage, etc), but work perfectly
includes a amp and cables (at no extra cost)
$300 (or best offer -- shipping not included)

if interested please contact me at

Monday, April 02, 2007

Highwire at Botanica: March, 29 2007

(expect spelling errors)

orange can: so bright 2
ian brown: longsight m13
blur: brothers and sisters
fujiya and miyagi: colarbone
grand national: peanut dreams
john e fontaine: stop (instrumental)
tom tom club: suboceana (extended mix)
the knife: marble house (emperor machine mix)
depeche mode: never let me down again (split mix)
jefferson airplane: white rabbit
manfred mann: one way glass
broth: louie louie
rolling stones: sympathy for the devil (fatboy slim mix)
wolfmother: love train (chicken lips mix)
queen: another one bites the dust
roxy music: love is the drug
css: let's make love...(spank rock mix)
the knife: like a pen (heartthrob mix)
la bionda: i wanna be your lover
christopher cross: ride like the wind
j. geils band: flamethrower
david bowie: blue jean
front 242: u men (lp mix)
in flagranti: convolution
whitey: wrap it up
ac/dc: highway to hell (white label mix)
ivy: let's go to bed (hawaii 82 mix)
the killers: bones (tiga mix)
shout out out outs: dude, you feel electrical
tiga: hot in here
slash dash: white hourse (edit)
?: white horse/lick it good (mash-up)
prince: erotic city
sheila e.: glamorous life
vanity: 7th heaven
klymaxx: meeting in the ladies room (radio edit)
honey bane: i wish i could be me
new york models: hot for you
duran duran: electric barbarella
yazoo: don't go
talk talk: it's my life
basement jaxx: crazy girl
prince: when doves cry
bloc party: the prayer (para one mix)
klaxons: magick (smd mix)
go! team: ladyflash (smd mix)
120 days: come down (electric rock mix)
stevie nicks: stand back
prince: soft and wet
george benson: gimme the night
lakeside: fantastic voyage
graham central station: ain't no thing to me
j. live: satisfied
ms. thing: get that money
autechre: c/path
solid groove: it's sick
mad mike: hold my own
plus device: body heat
amttex: vaness, yo
de la soul: me, myself and i
grateful dead: shakedown street
climax blues band: couldn't get it right
japan: performance

the rest of the night was left unlisted, for security reasons.
but... it was funky...


Album Cover of The Month

This was (and still is) one of my favorite album covers from childhood... Funky black people in space! It was unbelievable. Plus, the cover tells the story of how the "Bop-Gun" can change people to be on the funky side of life!

Above: Full Album cover Gatefold

Below: 12" sized Comic Book + Fold-Out Poster
(Why don't record labels do this any more on a regular basis?)
